FullStack Labs Webflow Challenge

Welcome to the FSL webflow challenge. The main goal is to get to know your capabilities creating beautiful, functional responsive sites.

We will be looking for:

The Challenge

You'll need to build a landing page for a fictional product called Infinity Trips. This product offers a round the Earth spaceship luxury experience trip. People will get to see the world in a whole different way! They should also expect the standard amenities you'll find on a top of the line cruise ship (Pools, restaurants, bars, etc...)

Required sections:

How to deliver your project:

Please clone this project and create a new page called 'landing' to show your skills. Provide a read-only link after your done.

You'll start with a basic style guide. You can extend the style guide as you see fit. You can also add free usable images and illustrations to polish your design.

Build something awesome!